The bank serves as a safeguard for catastrophe. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault-which opens only several times a year-will receive new seed samples. According to their website, the vault serves as a safeguard: “While there may be a role for the Seed Vault in the event of a global catastrophe, its value is considered to lie much more in providing back-up to individual collections in the event that the original samples, and their duplicates in conventional genebanks, are lost due to natural disasters, human conflict, changing policies, mismanagement, or any other circumstances.” Let's hope we never have to use the seeds interned in a frozen mountainside of Norway but for now, there's some solace in knowing that they are preserved to the best of human ability in case we need a backup. Along with maize and rice, it composes 40% of our global diet. Wheat is very important to the human diet. This month, the doors open to admit samples of millet, sorghum, and wheat.

For this reason, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault describes its mission as “safe, free, and long-term storage of seed duplicates from all genebanks and nations participating in the global community’s joint effort to ensure the world’s future food supply.” Plant seeds interned around the world are backed up in Norway-like an external hard drive for agriculture.

However, these climates may be more susceptible to climate crises. Many seed banks exist in Southern regions where many of the plants humans depend on flourish. While still vulnerable to climate change, the vault's arctic environment will remain cooler than other seed banks around the world. Doomsday Vault is a mobile game that has been ported to other platforms, and that’s immediately apparent in the basic controls, simplistic level design, and extremely large and obvious. Collect seeds and return them to the safety of the Vault. The Norwegian government has updated their facility in recent years and is watching climate change predictions closely. In your robotic suit navigate a flooded city, break into an underground lair, explore ancient pyramids. However, it is also cooled by state-of-the-art systems which maintain -18☌ (-0.4☏). Buried deep into the frozen Earth, the vault is naturally cold.

In 2004, Norway agreed to fund and construct a seed vault in the arctic permafrost. The international agreement seeks to preserve food from natural and human disasters. The vault's origins trace back to the 2001 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).